Update:- Housekeeping

Hey Guys,

First I would like to thank you for following and reading my blog . I appreciate it a lot. I would like to apologize for not posting the chemical of the week, biological word of the week or an article in recent weeks. I had decided  to post these stuff from the month of October. Thank you for your understanding.



Scientific name:- Anthophila
Family: – Apidae
Higher Classification:-Apoidea
Species :->20 000
Common type:- 5 type( return)
“Buzz Buzz. Where’s that noise coming from? Oh, it a bee I just hope it doesn’t sting me. Let me kill it before it stings me”bees-and-pollinations

Bee is a topic that you hear come up once in a while, whether in the news or a lecture . People wondering where are the bees? But no serious where are the bees? Once upon a time there were approximately 20 000 different species around the world. But as of today, this has farmers and beekeepers around the world worry and puzzle. What most people don’t understand, bees are not only to make honey but it also to help the ecosystems. Without bees, how are humans going to have food in order to survive ?This mean that humans can become extinct in the near future or over time.
But how bees can help with the ecosystem? What most people don’t know that bees have an important role in the food web for the ecosystem. See figure 1:-


Figure 1:-In this food chain, it shows that bees have very important role to play in each part of the chain.
In order for this to be carried out, bees are attracted to bright colours and marking from the flowers. This is to ensure, that the bees are the reward for the pollination service provided them with nutritious nectar. Pollination is where transferring pollen of the male anther of the flower to female stigma. The reason for this is so that plants can produce offspring in order to make new seeds in order for new plants or flower to growth. There are various types of pollination, these are:-insect wind and animal pollination. The type of pollination that bees use is insect pollination which is also called cross-pollination (See figure 2)


Figure 2:- showing how cross-pollination occurring between the bee and plant.

Pollination is important cause it has environmental benefits ( ie it gives us oxygen, to protect soil, to provide water to our cities), seeds that can create more plants, productions of fruits that we can eats.(See figure 3)


Figure 3:-Foods that is produced with the help of pollination of bees.

In conclusion without bees certain factors will happen, not only there wouldn’t be any food for humans. Farmers will not be able to make an income for their family and the economy and the flowers would not look beautiful.


Click to access farmfare_2010.pdf

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